Network Housing and Relocation

Who we are?

Network Housing & Relocation (NH&R) is here to make relocation as easy as possible.  Our staff can assist you with issues ranging from housing and transportation to relocating to a different environment. Network Housing and Relocation also serves as a link to campus life while you are away – keeping you informed about campus news, updating you about university changes and progress, and even inviting you to Northeastern events that are taking place in your specific location.  Whether you are going to another state or an international location, Network Housing and Relocation will keep you connected.

Who is our target population?

Northeastern University, with a focus on creating globally minded students and expanding opportunities for lifelong learning and discovery, provides a range of different experiences and programs in every corner of the globe. Whether it’s a co-op in New England or a Semester-In/co-op on the West Coast, NH&R is here to help our students relocate and find housing outside of Boston.

Creating a Network Around the World

Network Housing and Relocation plans programs and events that foster connections and build Northeastern communities in cities around the world. Whether you are going out-of-state or to an international location, Network Housing and Relocation wants to help you stay connected!

Our team

Sonya Cottam – Director,

Christine Tibbetts – Associate Director,